Keeping Meals Simple

Simplifying the food on your plate at each meal is a positive form of intentional eating. (Keep reading – there’s a free gift for you at the end of this post!) By having fewer ingredients at each meal your body can benefit in the following ways: Supper doesn’t need to be meat, potatoes, veggies, and…

A Pause Before Eating

Pay attention for the next few meals how you eat. Being intentional about how we eat directly affects our digestion. Our digestive system directly affects our health and risk of disease. Even though we may not readily notice the improvements, preparing our digestive system for food can have huge benefits for our health. It’s surprisingly…

What are your hunger signs?

As newborns, we let our moms know when it was time to feed us. For a newborn baby, when the body says food, he/she sends signals to be fed. As the baby grows into a toddler and then a young child, the food on demand becomes less and the family food routine takes over. Generally,…

10 Components of a Healthy Diet

Our road to eating with intention can be a difficult one, especially in our western world of super processed, quick, convenient fast foods. The temptations are relentless. Making the decision to improve our diet and help our bodies to heal themselves is an absolute intentional choice. You’ll grow old waiting for your brain to decide…

New Theme – Intentional Nutrition

Being intentional about our food can feel complicated and full of rules and “shoulds” and “have tos.” When we try to process all the contradictory information coming at us about nutrition, no wonder we’re confused. So let’s spend the next few weeks simplifying how we think about food. Let’s take first steps and small bites…

The “Done” List

Do you write to-do lists? I do. And they can be quite long and sometimes daunting. In my quest to simplify, I’ve learned to pick *few* priorities from my to-do list and still make time to play. Learning to slow down has been essential to reduce my stress levels and prevent me from nose-diving back…

The purpose of “I love you.”

About 14 years ago, a friend of mine told me a story about a guy she was dating and that she told him she loved him and he didn’t say it back and then ensued a huge argument because he didn’t reciprocate her feelings.  (If you prefer video, scroll to the bottom of this post.)…

Building Minimizing Muscle

There are all kinds of minimizers in the world and minimizing habits fall on a spectrum. There are no hard and fast rules to minimizing your home and creating life balance. When I started minimizing, I thought I had jumped right in with both feet, I was so inspired and excited, I easily completed the…

A Money Mindset Challenge

I tended to think about money in two ways – everyday spending and larger financial goals (for us, mostly travelling and retirement planning). (If you prefer video, scroll to the bottom of this post.) What I’ve noticed though is that most people don’t think of those two ways of spending as one thing, we divide…

Making & Maintaining Life Changes

I’ve made a lot of changes in my life. Especially going through burnout recovery where changes became a need instead of a desire. But change is hard. (If you prefer video, scroll to the bottom of this post.) The mind doesn’t like change and breaking and creating habits takes work. At the height of my…