Minimizing Grooming Supplies

Take some today to evaluate your grooming appliances. Razors, electric razors, trimmers, nail clippers, hair dryers, curlers, wave irons, tweezers, etc. (If you prefer video, scroll to the bottom of this page.) What do you no longer use? How many pairs of tweezers do we really need? Keep only your favourite pair and let the…

Minimizing Make-up & Toxin Considerations

I had picked make-up as one of the categories for my March Micro-Minimizing Challenge, but quickly realized it was a big topic that covered several areas. I decided instead to discuss minimizing these items, now, during my intentional self-care theme instead and do a five-part series this week. I’ll be discussing minimizing our make-up, grooming…

Choice Time

Our brains naturally rebel. We all know this from experience, and it starts from childhood, certainly noticeable through the teen years, but also prevalent as adults. And often we rebel against ourselves. (If you prefer video, scroll to the bottom of this post.) As examples: I’m sure you can insert many examples of rebelling against…

Intentional Living & Burnout Recovery

I’ve mentioned often that I’m in burnout recovery. Since being basically non-functioning at the end of 2021, meaning literally spending most of my time in bed and only doing what was absolutely necessary and routine, I’ve been in recovery mode for the last year and bit. (If you prefer video, scroll to the bottom of…

Intentional Self-Care

For the next six-ish weeks I’ll be taking on the topic of intentional self-care. Self-care is a hot topic nowadays and I’m going to be talking about some very specific themes that I hope inspire you to make some simple changes in your life for the better. I’m taking on a fresh look at self-care…

Upcycling sentimental items without making more clutter.

It’s difficult to part ways with sentimental items due to the memories attached to them. It may be easier if we find a new purpose for those items. This post is focused on ideas outside of donating. We understand donating will remove items from our home, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. Minimizing and…

Marie Kondo – perfection or nothing?

Recently, Marie Kondo, queen of decluttering stated that her house is “a little bit messy,” and so many people are freaking out about it. This is an awful reaction. MK’s priorities have shifted to her three children. And her statement was that her house isn’t “perfectly” tidy any more. Good. For. Her! To all the…

But I Might Need It!

Ah, the just-in-case items. The items we keep because one day we might need them! Here’s the truth. We don’t and won’t need them, at least not all of them, not most of them! And here’s a secret, chances are highly probable that if we do need it, we won’t remember we have it, and…

In Just 5 Minutes

I know the house is getting too cluttered when I feel stressed looking around our living areas. It’s like a little panic catches in my throat. And it’s always those areas that generally collect clutter — end tables by the sofa, the bench by the front door. You know those spots, they’re in your house…

How I Live with Intention

This post is updated regularly as a page here. I am passionate about living with intention and putting it to practice in my own life. However, I’m not extreme and certainly not perfect. Living with intention looks different for each person striving for it. Here are some examples of how I live intentionally: Please know…